The good calçotada Valls, time to plant onions!

Valls city calçotada

The city of Valls is known for two things: the castles and the calçotada. This exquisite onion is said to have been invented by Xat de Benaiges - blog entry on the origin of calçot -. But as with any vegetable, this farmer first had to go through the whole cycle. It starts with the planting of the onions which, with patience and cold, will eventually turn into underpants. Onions are planted during August and September. To enjoy a good calçotada you will need top quality calçotada. We will achieve this by planting the onions in a soil with a little lime that will give the typical sweetness of the vegetable. As a very good friend says "El calçot vol cold" and so it is. In cold weather, onions grow more slowly and are tastier.

A single activity to discover all the secrets of authentic calçots Valls

Thus, the best calçotada is the one made from January since the cold has caused the calçot to grow slowly. Throughout the calçots season, we propose a unique activity to learn curiosities about the Valls calçotada while driving an authentic farmer's cart and our horses. The activity includes calçotada in one of the best restaurants in the region to enjoy at the table everything we have learned.
calçotada valleys

PGI Valls Calçot

To ensure that the onions are first class 25 years ago thereProtected Geographical Indication "Calçot de Valls". To be labeled as calçot with PGI de valles, the ceballot must be between 15 and 25 centimeters of white leg and 1.7 to 2.7 centimeters in diameter. The Calçot de Valls production area is not only concentrated in this city, but is made up of land located within the municipal boundaries of the districts of Alt Camp, Baix Camp, Tarragonès and Baix Penedès. To introduce you to the world of calçotada and all the curiosities about calçots, the sauce and this very local tradition, we are repeating theCalçotada experience.

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