The mystery of the table Nulles

In the early 70's in the town of Porrera there was a table with certain paranormal powers. He became famous for answering attendees ’questions about the past, present, and future. With dry pats on the legs the table responded to what was being asked.

The phenomenon of talking tables consisted of communication with spirits through blows they made on the ground.

Three brothers and an old table

Among those attending these demonstrations was the Saumell de Nulles family. Three brothers, 13-year-old Maria del Carme, 10-year-old Rosa María and 7-year-old Joan Saumells, attended an afternoon of one of those spiritism sessions. There they could see the methodology "in situ" and when they arrived in Nulles they were curious and carried out what they had seen.

The brothers grabbed an old table in the attic made of walnut. Lightning is said to have knocked down the tree, and with that wood they made the table.

Concentrated and remembering how they had seen Porrera, the three brothers put their hands on the table and, mysteriously, it began to move.

The village of Nulles main attraction

That was the spark that burned the people with emotion, the news spread like wildfire. Everyone wanted to see Nulles' table, everyone was asking things she answered; he also danced, walked on two legs, and even went up and down stairs.

For those dates Nulles it was a village of 500 inhabitants, with little traffic and a lot of tranquility.

With the table phenomenon, visitors increased, especially on holidays.

The crowd that was going to visit the table made it necessary for it to be moved from the owners ’private house to the town hall, so as not to disturb the family that owned the table.

The table was then transported from the Town Hall to the village bar, where all visitors could see it and even ask what they wanted. The system was not difficult: The children placed their hands on the board and mysteriously the table began to move, as if sliding on the floor. Initially the table was dedicated to this, assisted by the hands of the children to tour the village. Going up and down stairs without having to climb it, there was even the case of carrying people on it.

The price charged for the experiment was 50 pesetas, and the proceeds went to a common fund of the village to build a sports complex.

The functions of the small piece of furniture were "in crescendo" coming to answer under a code of blows to the questions of the children or any interlocutor. At all times, her movements were fast but she accentuated her speed if Rosa Maria's hands touched her.

Work of the devil?

It did not take long for the rumor that the movements of the table were due to the devil to be made public, a matter for which on the basis of fear he put an end to the adventures of the table and its operants.
Skeptics claimed that the movement of the table was due to unconscious neuromuscular movements provided by the children. However this reasoning does not explain why the table correctly answered the questions asked

Currently the table is still in Nulles, resting in an attic in the same way it rested when the Saumells brothers woke her up. Who knows if all the spirits and forces that made her dance through the streets of Nulles will do it again someday…

Want to discover many more amazing stories from the village of Nulles? Look at all of them CHESTNUT SPECIAL ACTIVITIES that we have prepared for you!


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